Search: [AUST jobs]

Abbottabad University of Science and Technology AUST has announced 20+ seats for administration and teaching staff. Eligible candidates are highly encouraged to apply. Application deadline is 4th July 2019. No TA / DA is admissible for Test / Interview. Job location is Abbottabad. Following applications are invited from ..

Applications on prescribed forms are invited from Pakistani nationals for the following positions on regular basis Registrar Master degree with first division from an HEC recognized university 17 years teaching experience in a university/Government Treasurer First division degree in Busine..

Abbottabad university of science and technology required driver on urgent basis with following requirements One should be middle Age limit is 35 years Having 10 years of working experience Apply before 10 November 2018 For more details please call 0992-402128   ..

Application on prescribed forms are invited from Pakistani national for the following positions on regular basis Provost Director Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) Director Admission Director ORIC Additional Director P & D Deputy Librarian Senior Audit Officer Deputy Director Deputy D..