Search: [Accountant]

Environment Protection Department Punjab EPD invites applications from eligible candidates of Punjab Province for appointment against the following positions available / vacant under ADP scheme to carry out upcoming  "Punjab Green Development Program". Following jobs has announced by EPD.  Job locatio..

Abbottabad University of Science and Technology AUST has announced 20+ seats for administration and teaching staff. Eligible candidates are highly encouraged to apply. Application deadline is 4th July 2019. No TA / DA is admissible for Test / Interview. Job location is Abbottabad. Following applications are invited from ..

Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals for following position based at Islamabad. Director Finance Qualified Chartered Accountant / Master Degree or CA Computer Programmer 4 years degree in computer science, IT or engineering. 5 years of experience How to Apply Int..

Ministry of Commerce Textile Pakistan has invited talented and energetic candidates for the following contractual positions under Textile Skill Development Board Secretariat, Karachi. The contract appointment will be for the period of One Year. Evaluation Officer Accountant Driver B.Com / B...

Applications are invited from eligible candidates domiciled in Punjab for recruitment on contract basis. Procurement Specialist Contract Management Specialist Deputy Director Agriculture Assistant Director Water Management Officer Accountant How to Apply Interested cand..

Ministry of Interior National Forensic Science Agency has announced 17 jobs in different categories. These jobs are on contract basis, initially for one year and extendable for further period with qualification Dy. Director Admin / Finance Accounts Officer Scientific Officer Accountant Sci..

University of Peshawar has announced 93 posts in different categories. Applications are invited from Pakistani citizen on prescribed forms available from the Reception counter OR, university of Peshawar, for the following positions Accountant BPS - 16 Assistant Warden..

National Logistic Cell has announced 100+ latest jobs in multiple categories. Application deadline is 20th April 2019. Manager Engineer Contract Assistant Project Manager Assistant Manager Finance And Account Senior Superintend Material Engineer Sub Divisional Officer Human Res..

National Logistics Cell NLC Baluchistan required following staff for its projects. Application deadline is 17th April 2019. Senior Surveyor Accountant Plumber Driver Labor DAE Civil, ACCA, MBA Finance, Metric can apply Application deadline is 17th April 2019.   ..

Social Welfare and Baitulmaal Welfare Department Punjab has announced 67 posts in multiple categories Accountant Assistant Accountant Assistant Computer Operator Data Entry Operator Junior Clerk B.Com / Graduate / ICS / Intermediate can apply How to Apply Appl..

PM National Health Complex has announced 118+ posts. Application deadline is 13 April 2019 Account Assistant Steno typist Sanitary Inspector UDC Cashier LDC Dispenser Technician Lab Technician LHV X-Ray Technician Quarantine Accountant Teleph..

Oil and Gas Development Company OGDCL is looking to induct high caliber professionals who can take the company to new heights and dimensions un under listed categories Manager Chief Accountant Material Officer Assistant Material Officer Assitant Accountant How to Apply Interested..