Search: [Clinical Technician]

Applications are invited for appointment in Health Department District Abbottabad against the following vacant posts on the terms and concitions mentioned below. Junior Clinical Technician, Surgical Junior Clinical Technician Pharmacy Junior Clinical Technician Radiology Junior PHC Technician MP..

80+ posts has announced by Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad. Medical Officers (BPS - 17) Pharmacist Statistical Officer Electro Medical Supervisor Junior Clinical Technician Endoscopy Junior Clinical Technician Psychiatry HVAC Supervisor Bio Medical Technician Urodynamic Technician ..

Applications are invited from eligible and potential candidates holding domicile of Khyber Pakhtumkhwa on prescribed form for the following posts in Medical Teahing Institution, Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad Pathologist Anesthetist Head Nurse Junior Clinical Technician Cardiology CT Scan Technicia..