Search: [Computer Operator]

Dear  Candidates, Job opening in below categories for a world bank funded project:   1. Finance Officer Qualification: Master Degree in Finance/Commerce/Econimcs 2. Computer Operator Qualification: intermediate with diplima in IT 3. Office Assistant Qualification: Literate &n..

Ministry of Law and Justice Pakistan has announced 2019 latest jobs for 96+ seats in multiple categories. Eligible candidates are highly encourage to apply. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted Application deadline is 20th July 2019. This job ad is taken from Jang News Following posts has been announced ..

Air Headquarters PAF Peshawar has announced multiple vacancies in multiple categories. Applicants are invited on the prescribed form for the following positions in KP - STVET Center of Excellence GTTTC Hayatabad from the bonafide residents of KPK province. Chief Master Trainer Trainer VC JP and ..

Punjab Local Government Department Punjab has announced 35+ posts in multiple categories. Application deadline is 15th July 2019. Eligible candidates are highly encouraged to apply. Job Location is Lahore / Punjab. Following positions on contract basis in project namely "Reforms to Construction Permits" has..

Police Department Sindh recruitment for 1618 posts. Interested candidates can apply through PTS test by visiting PTS website. Apply before 20th May 2019. Following vacancies has announced. Computer Operator Data Entry Operator / Key Bench Operator Surveillance Operator Technical Supervisor ..

Public Sector Organization in Peshawar KPK invites application from eligible candidates for one year's contract basis for one year. Candidates having domicile of KPK. Minerals Development Officer GIS Assistant Account Assistant / Senior Auditor Computer Operator Office Assistant ..

Prisons Department Baluchistan required staff. Total 250 vacancies has announced by Prisons Department Balochistan. Job Location is Quetta. Stenographer Assistant Computer Operator Data Entry Operator Junior Clerk Lady Health Worker Carpenter Electrician Dispenser L..

Ministry of Interior National Forensic Science Agency has announced 17 jobs in different categories. These jobs are on contract basis, initially for one year and extendable for further period with qualification Dy. Director Admin / Finance Accounts Officer Scientific Officer Accountant Sci..

Food Safety and Halal Food Authority KPK has announced 190 posts in multiple categories from Zone I to Zone V. The Directorate General of KPK Food Safety and Halal Food Authority invites applications Pakistan Testing Service PTS to fill vacant posts. Jobs announced in following districts of KPK Malakand Bun..

Forest Department KPK 20 posts in multiple categories. Eligible candidates of KPK for the following regular posts as per prescribed requirements. Assistant Stenographer Computer Operator Steno Typist How to Apply Interested candidates visit website by filling online application for..

Frontier Institute of Medical Sciences FIMS Abbottabad has announced 40+ positions for teaching and non teaching. Following staff is required in FIMS. Teaching Staff Chemistry Biology Physics Mathematics English Pak Studies Islamiat Urdu Computer Science A..

Applications are invited for the below mentioned positions from domicile holders of KPK fullfilling the mentioned criteria. Medical Officer Anesthesia Women Medical Officer Computer Operator How to Apply Interested candidates can apply through NTS website Applicatio..