Search: [KPK Jobs 2018]

A government Sector in Khyber pakhtunkhawa required following staff Naib Qasid Sweeper Apply within 15 days after publish of this ad Age limit is between 18 to 40 years Send your application form to P.O.Box 583 Peshawar Cantt. For more details read the ad below   ..

Khyber PakhtunKhwa Information Technology Board KPITB , a public sector organization entrusted with the task of accelerating growth in the ICT and ICT enabled services sector, invites from suitable candidates for the following positions Regular Positions Project Based Positions How to Apply Application fo..

FATA development Authority, Hayatabad Peshawar invites applications from suitable candidates for the following posts having Domicile of Tribal Districts / Khyber Paktunkhwa for appointment under ADP projects. The positions are purely on fixed pay under PSDP pay package Instructor / Lecturer Lecturer Related Studi..

Applications are invited from Pakistani citizen/KP for contract appointment in the Directorate General Aviation, Administration Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ecureuil Pilots B-1 (A&C) B-1 (A&C) B-2 (X&R) B-1 Technician Store Man Clerk Junior Clerk Driver Class-IV S..

Khyber Pakhtunkwa Economic Zones Development and Management Company (KPEZDMC) is diligently working towards promoting rapid industrialization in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. KPEZDMC is seeking self-motivated, energetic, dynamic & creative individuals to be part of the team. The company requires qualified and experienced perso..

127 + drivers are required in Integrated Health Project. Last date to apply is 21 July 2018   ..

A Jobs Testing Services requires following staff for renowned private schools in KPK as per following details English URDU Mathematics Chemistry Physics Biology Islamyiat Pak-Study Computer Science Montessori Teacher PTI/ART Music Teacher Library Science Compute..