Search: [finance]

Dear  Candidates, Job opening in below categories for a world bank funded project:   1. Finance Officer Qualification: Master Degree in Finance/Commerce/Econimcs 2. Computer Operator Qualification: intermediate with diplima in IT 3. Office Assistant Qualification: Literate &n..

Job placement, regional coordinator, nutrition officer, manager, gender youth mainstreaming officer, km officer, regional m&e officer, manager gender mainstreaming, climate change officer, finance coordinator, budget coordinator, communication officer, m&e officer, and manager employment are among the vacant posi..

An employment notice from the Health Department published in the daily Dawn Newspaper on or around June 5, 2024, requests applications for the following positions: chowkidar; monitoring evaluation specialist; associate engineer civil; additional program director; driver; mis associate; program director; financial managem..

Finance Department is looking for Chief Information Officer. Last date to apply this job is 20th April 2024. For more details read the ad below.     ..

Environment Protection Department Punjab EPD invites applications from eligible candidates of Punjab Province for appointment against the following positions available / vacant under ADP scheme to carry out upcoming  "Punjab Green Development Program". Following jobs has announced by EPD.  Job locatio..

Punjab School Education Department has announced 27+ posts in multiple categories under its project titled "Strategic Policy Unit SPU". These posts are purely on contract basis. Eligible candidates are highly encouraged to apply. No TA / DA will be admissible. Application deadline is 18th July 2019. Job loc..

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government Peshawar Jobs For Admin & Finance Officer.  How To Apply Candidates having domicile of their district, work experience in community mobilization, coordination with Government officials & stakeholders and building effective linkages in improving health services will be gi..

Federal Government has established Secured Transaction Registry for movable property under Financial Institutions (Secured Transactions) Act, 2016. Finance Division requires the services of a dynamic, high caliber professional for the position of Registrar, Pakistan Secured Transactions Registry Islamabad as head of the ..

The School Education Department intends to hire the following staff under its project titled "Startegic Policy Unit (SPU)"  on contract basis under MP scales/market base salaries. Application are invited to all fill these posts. Canidates fullfilling the prescribed qualifications/experiences/skills only on..

Air Headquarters PAF Peshawar has announced multiple vacancies in multiple categories. Applicants are invited on the prescribed form for the following positions in KP - STVET Center of Excellence GTTTC Hayatabad from the bonafide residents of KPK province. Chief Master Trainer Trainer VC JP and ..

Punjab Health Foundation PHF has announced 100+ jobs in multiple departments. Eligible candidates are encouraged to apply. Application deadline is 5th July 2019. Job Location is Lahore and Punjab Districts. Chief Technical Officer Manager Promotional Officer Manager Recovery Manager Monito..

PESCO is Public limited company mandated under its license to provide electricity to its valuable customers. Applications are invited for recruitment of suitable candidates to fill the following positions of BPS - 17 on one year contract basis. Job Location is Peshawar Total Number of vacancies 85 MBA, MSc,..