Search: [karachi jobs]

An employment notice from the Health Department published in the daily Dawn Newspaper on or around June 5, 2024, requests applications for the following positions: chowkidar; monitoring evaluation specialist; associate engineer civil; additional program director; driver; mis associate; program director; financial managem..

Pakistan 2024-05-25

interested candidates may applied through at latest by may 31 2024. Only shotlisted candidates will be contact for interview.No TA/DA  will be admisable differentiy abled person amd femail candidates are encourage to apply How to apply Click Here and quickly apply

Police Department Sindh recruitment for 1618 posts. Interested candidates can apply through PTS test by visiting PTS website. Apply before 20th May 2019. Following vacancies has announced. Computer Operator Data Entry Operator / Key Bench Operator Surveillance Operator Technical Supervisor ..

Ministry of Commerce Textile Pakistan has invited talented and energetic candidates for the following contractual positions under Textile Skill Development Board Secretariat, Karachi. The contract appointment will be for the period of One Year. Evaluation Officer Accountant Driver B.Com / B...

Karachi Port Trust KPT has announced 79 multiple posts in different categories. Job Location is Karachi. Applications are invited from all over the Pakistani Nationals. Download PTS form and deposit slip from PTS website. PTS is conducting recruitment test. Apply before 22nd April 2019. Master degree holder, Graduate Civ..

State Bank of Pakistan has announced latest jobs in IT. Interested candidates can apply for two years contract. Information Technology Department OG-2 Information Systems Department OG - 3 IT Project Management One should have Masters in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Sy..

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority PCAA requires services of qualified individuals to fill the following posts Assistant Director Air Traffic Control EG-01 MSC/BS in Physics / Maths / Computer Science How to Apply Interested candidates are required to fill online job application form available at www..

Qualified Testing service has announced 1000+ jobs from all over Pakistan on permanent base. Managing Director HR Manager Accountant Ps to CEO Operation Manager Admin and Logistic Officer District Coordinator Monitoring Officer Test Supervisor Invigilator ..

National Industrial Parks Development and Management Company NIP is a public sector company wholly owned by the Government, and has been entrusted with the development and management of industrial parks and special economic zones. Manager Accounts Manager Technical Electrical Engineer Project En..

Bahria University invites applications for following posts at Karachi Campus Lab Assistant DAE / B.Tech Electrical or Electronics 1-2 years of working experience Lab Assistant B.Sc. / BS Food Microbiology 1-2 years of working experience How to Apply Interested candidate..

Career Opportunities in State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan. 26 vacancies has announced by State Life. Job Location is Karachi. Application deadline is 14 march 2019. Following applicants are required in below categories General Manager (IT Division) General Manager (Marketing) Deputy General..

Applications are invited for the following vacant posts from the candidates having Domicile of Sindh Stenographer Data Processing Assistant Accountant Daftari How to Apply Interested candidates apply through prescribed proforma with photograph send to the address Tribunal Anti-Encroach..