Search: [latest jobs in lahore]

The Sundar Industrial Estate Board of Management is seeking applicants for the following positions, according the job posting that was published in the daily The News Newspaper on June 10, 2024, with a location in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan: supervisor of human resources assistant in security Road cleaner, manager, ..

Job openings at the Home Department in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, are detailed in an ad that ran on June 7, 2024, in the daily Nawaiwaqt Newspaper. The positions being filled include those of social mobilizer, cleaner, office boy, child protection officer, mis assistant, case worker incharge, and child psychologist. Educa..

FMH College of Medicine & Dentistry Lahore announced seats in officer & teaching faculty. Eligible candidates are highly encouraged to apply. Application deadline is 18th July 2019. Principal Medical College Professor,ENT Professor,Operative Dentistry Associate Professor,EYE,ENT As..