Search: [manshera jobs 2018]

Following staff is required in Forest Department Mansehra Junior Clerk Forest Guard For more details read the ad below Apply before 15 Oct 2018   ..

Applications on prescribed form are invited from Pakistani Nationals for the following positions on regular basis Registrar (BPS - 20) Treasurer (BPS - 20) Controller of Examinations (BPS - 20) Director Planning & Development (BPS - 20) Provost (BPS - 20) Terms and Conditions Applicati..

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for the following vacant posts in Pakistan Scouts Cadet College Batrasi Manshera. Requisite qualification and terms and conditions of service are given below Medical Officer (BPS-18) MBBS with at least 3 years experience of working in a hospital Salary R..

Helping Hand Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences Manshera is established in 2014 and working as constituent college of Riphah International University Islamabad. This College offers degree courses in allied health professions/ HHIRS, Mansehra invites applications from dedicated and dynamic professional having the requis..