Search: [pak teaching jobs]

Section Head (Senior Section) MA/M.Sc. B.Ed./M.Ed. Minimum 5 years teaching experience 3 years administrative experience as VP/ Section Head Teaching Staff For SSC and HSSC classes English, Urdu, Physics, Biology, Maths, Computer Science, Islamiyat, Pak Studies, History, Geography ..

Applications are invited from qualified and dynamic candidates for the post lecturer and Senior Teacher Lecturer Physics M.Sc. Physics with IST Division Senior Teacher in Mathematics M.Sc. with IST Division B.Ed. How to Apply Application complete in all respect along with a passp..

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for the following vacant posts in Pakistan Scouts Cadet College Batrasi Manshera. Requisite qualification and terms and conditions of service are given below Medical Officer (BPS-18) MBBS with at least 3 years experience of working in a hospital Salary R..

A PMDC recognized medical institution for the last 22 years Teaching Staff Required Professors Gynecology Associate Profs Assistant Profs Lecturers / Demonstrators MBBS and BDS Excellent terms of Services and salary perhaps highest in the country At a very pleasant and peaceful healt..

A Jobs Testing Services requires following staff for renowned private schools in KPK as per following details English URDU Mathematics Chemistry Physics Biology Islamyiat Pak-Study Computer Science Montessori Teacher PTI/ART Music Teacher Library Science Compute..