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Dear Candidates, Number of valid saudi visa are available with below mentioned manpower promoter for safety officers. Total Jobs Available; 20/20   Free Accommodation: Yes Free Food: No Free Ticket: Yes Free Medical: Yes Health Insurance: Yes Free Transportation: Yes..

Scholarship opportunity for Gilgit Baltistan students who wish to persue undergraudate studies 04/5 year BS programme) from HEC recognized university. Scholarships are offered for the academic year 2024-2025 in all area of studies. ELIGIBILITY: Local domsile of Gilgit Baltistan HSSC or equivalent complete..

Pakistan 2024-05-31

We are in need of a seasoned IT manager that specializes in cybersecurity to lead and direct our IT department. We are looking for someone with a degree in Cyber Security and a year of related experience How to apply Interested candidates can submit your CV.Click the link and apply

Heavy Mechanical Complex has announced latest jobs. These jobs are purely on contract basis for a period of one year can be extendable. Following jobs has announced by HMC Heavy Mechanical Complex Taxila Manager Senior Manager Assistant Manager Production Manager Marketing Manager As..

National Logistics Cell has announced latest Jobs in multiple categories. NLC invites applications from professionals candidates on contract basis. Application deadline is 20 August 2019. These jobs are purely on contract basis. Following posts has announced by NLC Chief Instructor Instructor Laborato..

Punjab School Education Department has announced 27+ posts in multiple categories under its project titled "Strategic Policy Unit SPU". These posts are purely on contract basis. Eligible candidates are highly encouraged to apply. No TA / DA will be admissible. Application deadline is 18th July 2019. Job loc..

Join Staff Public School & College Rawalpindi Jobs 2019 for Teachers / Subject Specialists to be filled immediately for the following post: Subject Specialists (Male/Female) Compute Teacher (Female) Pre-School Teacher(Female) How to Apply Test and Interviews will be on 15July 20..

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (SKMCH&RC) is a specialist tertiary care cancer centre built and funded by charitable donations with a mission to provide the best possible cancer care to all patients. SKMCH&RC has a team of UK- and US-trained physicians who provide state-of-the-arl..

PS Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2019 for 1124+ Junior Technicians, LHVs and Mid Wife at District Health Authorities to be filled immediately. NTS is conducting recruitment test for these posts and you can download the NTS application form and deposit slip from NTS website. General instructions : Eligible can..

Federal Government has established Secured Transaction Registry for movable property under Financial Institutions (Secured Transactions) Act, 2016. Finance Division requires the services of a dynamic, high caliber professional for the position of Registrar, Pakistan Secured Transactions Registry Islamabad as head of the ..

Islamabad District DPW Population Welfare Office has announced 10+ posts in multiple categories. Interested candidates can download OTS application form. Following vacant seats has announced by Population Welfare Department Islamabad. Steno Typist Accounts Assistant Family Welfare Assistant Male ..

Air Headquarters PAF Peshawar has announced multiple vacancies in multiple categories. Applicants are invited on the prescribed form for the following positions in KP - STVET Center of Excellence GTTTC Hayatabad from the bonafide residents of KPK province. Chief Master Trainer Trainer VC JP and ..